Appointments can be made by coming into Lightwater Surgery or by telephoning 01276 538600.
You may wish to use our online services or the NHS app. This allows patients to book or change appointments 24-hours a day, 7 days a week even when the surgery is closed.
Routine appointments can also be made online via the link at the top of this page. Registration forms for our online services are available at reception.
You may consult any of the doctors at the practice, although we encourage patients to keep to one doctor, particularly during a period of illness of if investigations are being carried out. Should your doctor be unavailable, you will be offered an appointment with another doctor. Patients who have a medically urgent problem will be seen the same day. Patients who become ill later in the day may be seen by the duty doctor who may wish to speak to them by phone initially.
GP appointments are 10 minutes long and when patients present with a number of problems we may not be able to deal with all of these in one appointment. We try our best to deal with as many problems as possible in the time given, however, we have to consider patients in later appointments and ensure we do not run late.
If you feel a face-to-face appointment is not necessary then a doctor may be able to call you back.
Pre-bookable Appointments (More Than 48 Hours In Advance)
Appointments are available to pre-book in advance.
Appointments booked too far in advance causes an increase in patients not attending.
Book on the Day Appointments
Patients can call 01276 538600 between 8am & 11am to request a same day appointment. Please be aware during busy periods appointments may be available for medical emergencies only.
Evening Surgeries & Extended Access
Lightwater Surgery will be open until 8pm every Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday.
We are also working with the other practices in Surrey Heath to provide additional weekend appointments.
In addition to this, Lightwater Surgery will continue to provide both its traditional Thursday evening clinic and the evening family planning clinic.
Appointments for the Family Planning Clinic can be made by calling 01276 986898.
If you cannot attend an appointment for any reason please inform us as soon as possible in order for us to give the slot to someone else.